This is a reminder that park water fountains have been turned off due to COVID-19. If you are visiting the park, please consider bringing your own water.
Rastin Tower will open at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, June 10. Guidelines include:
- No more than 10 people at a time, mechanically monitored by the turnstile gate.
- We encourage everyone to wash hands or use sanitizer after climbing the tower.
- Please attempt to maintain social distancing as much as possible while climbing.
Park National Bank Pailion and Kiwanis Pavilion are still closed until further notice.
Expectations for personal use of small picnic pavilions:
- No gatherings over 10 people
- Use a tablecloth and/or disinfect the table and bench when done.
- Place trash/recycling in propre bins or take it with you.
- If these expectations cannot be met, small pavilions will be closed.
July 4 festivities have been cancelled.
Summer concert series and Rastin Challenge have been cancelled. Read more...
Park restrooms will open as of tomorrow, 5/12/20. They will be sanitized a minimum of two times daily.
3/24/20: Important COVID-19 updates from the park:
Our community's health is important to us.
Rastin Observation Tower will be closed starting tomorrow, Tuesday, March 24. Under Ohio Department of Health director's executive orders, playgrounds are to be closed. With a turnstyle and built from similar materials, we have decided to close the tower until further notice. The park, however, will remain open and people are encouraged to enjoy the outdoors, while maintaining appropriate social distance.
The Foundation Park Conservancy Board is in the process of discussing the 2020 Free Summer Concert Series. At this point, please be aware that some concert dates may/will be affected. Whether that means cancellation or postponement, we are uncertain just yet. We continue to monitor the ongoing situation and will make decisions as we draw closer and as facts are more defined. We will be communicating with sponsors soon. Other events, such as May's Kids to Parks Day, are also being discussed.
We appreciate our dedicated volunteers who spend countless hours making the park a great place to be every summer. While the Clock House would normally open the first weekend of May, we are delaying that decision for a few more weeks until we know more about how COVID-19 is going to play out. Thank you for your patience as we work through many issues affecting our upcoming season.
Park staff are working diligently with those who may have rented a park venue for a private event. We will be in touch with you at least 4 weeks prior to your scheduled event to discuss your options. Our goal is to reschedule where possible. Again, we appreciate your patience as we work through this process.
You are allowed to be outdoors, in fact, it is encouraged (see point 5c of the order)! Spending time outdoors is good for your physical and mental health, which we all need to nurture during this challenging time. You are encouraged to get out (at an appropriate distance) and walk, hike, bike AND discover your local parks. We are proud to offer more than 250 beautiful acres for you to explore. We also encourage you to check out 7 miles of trails at the Brown Family Environmental Center and our other Knox County parks.
3/19/20: From the National Parks & Recreation Association:

03/18/20: Community Resources:
From the Office of Governor, Mike DeWine
From Knox Public Health
From the Office Lisa Lloyd, Program Director
Knox County Foundation
From the Office of Mark Maxwell, Director
Knox County Emergency Management Agency
From the Office of Erin Gatto, Anthem Chamber Benefits Plan Liaison
From the Office of Kelly Carey, Workforce Specialist,
Ohio Department of Job & Family Services
03/16/20: Latest Info From Knox Public Health
The following webiste contains the lastest information from Knox Public Health regarding COVID-19.
Website: https://www.knoxhealth.com/index.php/public-health-issues2/infectious-disease/coronavirus
Ohio Department of Health COVID Hotline: 1-833-4-ASK-ODH
Open 7 days a week, 9 a.m.-8 p.m.

03/11/20: Ariel-Foundation Park Using Enhanced Cleaning Measures
Ariel-Foundation Park is taking proactive precautions regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19). The Urton Clock House, located at the park (10 Pittsburgh Avenue), serves as a polling location for precincts 1B and 1C on Tuesday, March 17.
These actions include:
- Enhanced cleaning methods with recommended cleaners, wipes and/or sanitizers in Park buildings
- More frequent cleanings
- Continued monitoring of the world-wide health situation regarding COVID-19
“We continue to educate ourselves and monitor the ongoing issue on a regular basis and will adjust our cleaning and event procedures as advised by the Knox Public Health, as well as synthesizing information from the Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization,” said Operations Director Mark Fritz. “We also want to keep COVID-19 in perspective.”
The following is a link to the latest State of Ohio information regarding COVID-19. In addition, here are some general health tips to follow to prevent the spread of illnesses:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
- If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
- Stay home when you are sick.
It is Ariel-Foundation Park’s goal to always operate family friendly events, both Park and private, in a healthy environment. These additional steps are a precaution to ensure the health and safety of Park staff and visitors. Be assured we will provide additional updates as necessary.