Thank you to our 2025 Friends of Ariel-Foundation Park Conservancy donors, sponsors, and supporters who have collectively contributed more than $160,000 to help care for and maintain this 250-acre jewel and keep Ariel-Foundation Park looking beautiful year-round!
Donations and sponsorships provide for events, important maintenance, various programs, and further development of the park. If you would like to become a Friend of Ariel-Foundation Park Conservancy, please donate online or mail a check to Ariel-Foundation Park Conservancy, PO Box 644, Mount Vernon, OH 43050. Ariel-Foundation Park Conservancy is a nonprofit organization, and donations are tax-deductible.
Ariel Corporation
Ariel Foundation
Sam and Paula Barone
Barb Barry
Allan S. Bazzoli, M.D.
Barry Bowden and Jackie Johnson
Paul and Janet Brown
Keith and Kate Burley
Todd and Christy Burson
Eric and Kami Diehl
Jim and Kim Giles
Jim and Diane Goodrich
Griffin Insurance
Mark and Elaine Hauberg
Todd and Kelly Hawkins
David and Emily Heithaus
Phil and Dina Herald
Chris and Amy Hiner
Brian and Amanda Huprich
Cameron and Christine Keaton
Knox Community Hospital
Knox County Foundation
Doug and Julie Leonard
William B. Levering
Gerald and Barbara Lindstrom
Deborah Massa
McDaniel CPA LLC
Joe and Krys Mortellaro
Mount Vernon Rotary Club Foundation
Steve and Jeanne Mullendore
Josh and Meredith Mullet
Joe and Sally Nelson
Dan and Carolyn O'Brien
Marc and Jen Odenweller
Stanley Osborn
Steve Oster
Park National Bank
Noel and Suzanne Parrish
Parrish-O'Neil and Associates, Inc.
Melanie Payne
Michael Percy and Nicole Pagano Percy
The Ramser Family
Roger and Chrystal Rardin
Tom Rastin
RCI Mechanical
Dr. Larry and Sarah Reed
James and Ana Ronk
Kim and Pam Rose
Jeffrey and Stephanie Scott
Matthew and Joanne Starr
Jan Thomas and Gary Doernhoefer
Dennis and Pat Tuttle
Ian and Charlotte Watson
Mary and Dave Whitacre
Josh and Susan White
Alex and Libby Wright
Gordy and Fran Yance